Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Blind Side

The Blind Side


  1. The Blind Side (2009) - IMDb翻譯這個網頁
    評分:7.6/10 - 125,972 票
    Directed by John Lee Hancock. With Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron, Jae Head. The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who ...
  2. The Blind Side (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia翻譯這個網頁
    The Blind Side is a 2009 American semi-biographical sports drama film. It is written and directed by John Lee Hancock, and based on the 2006 book The Blind ...
  3. 【影評】攻其不備|The Blind Side @ 阿玻的畫筆兒:: 痞客邦PIXNET ::【影評】攻其不備|the-blind-side
    2010/2/26 - 收到票的時候,正當年假在家休息,還來不及查電影的大綱,人就已經坐在電影院前了。但也很高興當時沒有多考慮,就直接去看,這才沒有錯過這麼 ...
  4. 攻其不備(THE BLIND SIDE)︰行善的本質與擇善固執的勇氣- in the ...
    2010/2/3 - 客廳裡眾人正看著緊張刺殺的橄欖球賽,唯獨少年坐在餐桌前一口接一口的將盤中菜餚送進嘴裡,雖然這些沙拉與麵包是屬於看起來比較適合用最 ...
  5. The Blind Side - Available March 23翻譯這個網頁
    Sandra Bullock ('The Proposal'), Tim Mcgraw ('Friday Night Lights') and Oscar winner Kathy Bates ('Misery') star in 'The Blind Side', which depicts remarkable ...
  6. 攻其不備The Blind Side -- @movies【開眼電影】 @movies http://www ...
    本片由《心靈投手》導演約翰李漢考執導,改編自麥可路易斯撰寫的同名原著《The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game》。珊卓布拉克因本片獲得2010金球獎最佳女主角 ...
  7. Mother of Michael Oher, inspiration for 'The Blind Side,' thrilled to ... - 翻譯這個網頁
    2013/2/4 - Talk about a 'Super" day for the Oher family. Michael's victory in New Orleans Sunday wasn't the only reason for the Oher family to celebrate ...
  8. The Blind Side: Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Kathy ...

    Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) knows little about family. Less about football. What the homeless teen knows are the streets and projects of Memphis. Well-to-do ...
  9. The Blind Side - Rotten Tomatoes翻譯這個網頁
    評分:66% - 192 則評論
    Review: It might strike some viewers as a little too pat, but The Blind Side has the benefit of strong source material and a strong performance from...
  10. 《攻其不備》The Blind Side_幕後花絮01_蓮恩一家人- YouTube
    2010/2/26 - 上傳者:atmovies88
    不同膚色的一家人,共同面對生命的難關。金球獎佳女主角珊卓布拉克、提姆麥格羅及奧斯卡金獎影后凱西貝茲主演,描述全美美式足球明星球員麥 ...
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    2. 弱點
    3. 《攻其不備》是2009年由約翰·李·漢考克導演的一部電影。本片是根據麥可·劉易斯2006年出版的書《弱點:比賽進程》改編而成的。故事的主角是目前在國家橄欖球聯盟巴爾的摩烏鴉效力的進攻截鋒麥可·奧赫。 維基百科
      上映時間2009 年 11 月 17 日 (美國)
      片長129 分鐘
    4. 意見回饋/更多資訊意見回饋/更多資訊意見回饋/更多資訊

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